Why I hate oklahoma
Its people are stupid.
Its roads are crap.
Its weather sucks.
Its people are apathetic.
Its bridges fall on cars and kill people.
The crime rate is twice the national average.
Its people have no teeth and don't care.
Its elected officials are a corrupt bunch of cronies.
Its people are ignorant.
All anybody cares about is college sports (even though 78 percent of the dumb okies never even went to college).
Its people are self-righteous hypocrites.
Its people are idots.
The education system sucks.
It has one of the highest divorce rates in the U.S.
Nobody gives a damn.
The drivers are terrible.
Its people are rude and unfriendly.
Its people are narrow minded.
Most jobs don't pay worth a crap.
Its people are bigoted.
If you don't have a tattoo your considered weird.
Its people are among the fattest, unhealthiest in the nation.
Its people are lazy.
The road and street signs are horrible.
Its people are morons.
Nobody has the initiative to make changes for the better.
The infrastructure is poorly designed and crumbling.
Pigs (okies) don't know pigs (okies) stink.
In general, it SUCKS.
oklahoma Sucks.
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